10 Things That Happen To Your Body After You Die
9. The Blood Pools In Your Butt
People tend to go pale when they die (then a rainbow of other colours, but more on that later), but where exactly does the blood go?
Well, it turns out that gravity makes it pool at the lowest point in the body that doesn't have any direct pressure on it, this is called postmortem hypostasis. If you're sat or (somehow) stood, then this is the feet and lower legs. If you are lying down on your back, then this is your backside, if you are lying on your front, this could be the chest or face.
Without the body heat and heart keeping it going, the blood thickens into a jelly-like consistency in these pools.
If it is left there for more than 12 hours then it will permanently stain the skin a blueish purple, bruisey colour. Not much of a problem if its your butt, but if it's you face then forget about an open casket ceremony.