10 Things We Learned From Jim Gaffigan's Reddit AMA
7. Hot Pockets
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmHSe_S04CUJIm Gaffigan and Hot Pockets have a special relationship. Sort of like The United States and The United Kingdom, only microwavable. The amazing meal in a pouch has popped up more than once in his comedy routines.
Considering the free publicity he offers them, one has to wonder if Hot Pockets have ever offered to sponsor him?
"Yes, I passed. Not that I'm a great person, I'm happy to whore for any product, it's just that I'm already known as the Hot Pocket guy. No sense in confirming that."
And just what is Jim's favorite flavor of Hot Pockets?
"The Ham and Cheese is not that bad."
Jim might be tiring of his association with the brand. Does he ever wish he could un-tell the Hot Pocket jokes?
"I would not go back in time and untell the jokes. Hot Pockets changed my life, but yes 2 or 3 times a day a stranger, or even someone I know, will say Hot Pockets to me. It's very similar to when your uncle does an inside joke that you're rather tired of but you politely nod."