10 Things You Didn't Know About Walt Disney World

1. The Mahjong Game In Tower Of Terror
Disney Tower Of Terror Mahjong

The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror has so many Easter Eggs for fans of the show to enjoy. You can spot the cookbook from "To Serve Man" and the fortune telling machine from "Nick of Time". There's even a Tip-Top Club poster from the episode "It's A Good Life", which coincidently is the same episode Disney took the footage used of Rod Sterling in the introductory video.

In fact as you enter the Hollywood Tower Hotel it's hard not to be blown away by all the painstaking detail that has gone into making the hotel as real as possible. In the lobby hats and coats are left by their owners and empty glasses waiting for champagne to be filled.

One detail to look out for is the mahjong game to the left as you enter the lobby. Disney wanted it to look like a real game stopped in partway so called upon real players to set the pieces. This was so that the game would appear to have been mysteriously abandoned.

A nice aspect that only mahjong players might notice as they prepare to enter the Twilight Zone.

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