10 Things You Didn't Know About Kate Upton

8. She's The Face Of Game Of War: Fire Age (For Some Reason)

Yeah, so, this is something. Game of War: Fire Age is a video game for mobiles described as "the first truly global online game," which may or may not make sense. The game itself is pretty popular and has received generally good reviews, but the most interesting thing about it (by far) is the fact that Kate Upton "features" in it. Which, viewed on its own terms, is kind of odd, because... well, why? Could it be the fact that she was paid a huge sum of money to lend her likeness to a character? Probably. But why? Did the company behind Game of War: Fire Age really need Upton to sell a game that's been out since 2013? The next insane thing about this game is really insane, though. The company have spent $40 million dollars on the marketing for Game of War: Fire Age, which includes a Kate Upton-centric advert in which she aggressively rides a horse in a skimpy fantasy-themed outfit. In the actual game, the Upton character, Athena, just tries to convince you to buy stuff from the store - a whole lot less "heroic."
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Kate Upton
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.