10 Things Your Body Does That Science Can't Explain

6. Teenagers

Why do we have boobs?
Warner Bros.

Teenagers are weird. And we're not just saying that as boring adults, teenagers are genuinely, scientifically weird.

You just don't get them in the animal kingdom. You don't see bear cubs going around slamming doors, or baby turtles getting nose rings, so what is it about humans that turns them from darling little angels into the spawn of Satan for 7-9 years?

It is thought that the reason why we all turn into greasy, bumbling dorks during our teenage years is that our brain is essentially rewiring itself.

Scientists think that the reason the world suddenly doesn't make any sense the day after your 13th birthday is because your brain is shutting down and rerouteing neural pathways in an attempt to build a brain that will be cool, logical and a real hit with the ladies (i.e. the opposite of a teenager).

The puzzling thing is why this happens just as we are entering our sexual prime. Surely once somebody becomes able to reproduce, it would make the most sense for them to be a highly desirable Lothario, and a solid evolutionary choice, rather than a spangdangly teen who thinks the height of flirtation is to talk the ears off a girl about his Dungeons and Dragons universe.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.