10 Types Of People You Will Meet In Fresher's Week

1. The Balancing Act

They party, they study, they know how to balance work and play. You€™ll likely find them taking advantage of the social opportunities available, but studying intensely at exam time. You€™ll gaze in mesmerisation as they seem to perfectly juggle the heavy workload of a university course with the pressures of a wide friendship group. Like many others you will try to work out how they can achieve this delicate balance. You€™ll think that something must be sacrificed; can you really have a great social life and great grades? There must be a secret, but this type of person is so secretive and elusive that we may never know how they manage at least look like they have their lives figured out. If you strike up a conversation about what your plans are for after university they will seem to give you a step by step guide for their career, and you will be left saying something along the lines of €œI'll look for a job, and try to make some money.€ There can only be a few of these on each course, but we guarantee that you will meet at least one (maybe two if you are lucky). You can try to probe them for their secrets, but it seems to be a trait that cannot be transferred. They are the lucky few who seem to have life sorted, leaving you feeling even more confused and unsure of what it is you would like to do with your life. So, what did you think? Any types of people we missed out? Let us know in the comments section.

A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/