10 Unexplained Paranormal Events That Changed History

8. Haunted College Dorm Sealed Off Forever


The haunting of Room 428 may have only changed history in a very small way, but it's certainly significant. Reports of hauntings in the dormitory room at Ohio University in Athens stretch back decades, with the Wilson Hall building of residence for students the home to a ghost who died under mysterious circumstances in the seventies.

Stories since have ranged from the violent death of a young woman in the middle of an occult ritual, astral projection conducted by its occupants, along with multiple honest-to-goodness poltergeist sightings reported from multiple people €“ students and teachers €“ with objects being lifted and hurled violently through the air.

Since then, Room 428 of Wilson Hall is completely sealed off. Not as a prank, or a publicity stunt on behalf of the university; it is of the very serious opinion of Ohio University that the room is uninhabitable, and so it has been totally closed off and nobody's gone in since. Well, apart from one " target="_blank">SyFy reality series about visiting haunted houses.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/