10 Ways The Internet Has Changed The World

2. Retail Commerce

highstreet Given the human urge for retail therapy, it€™s difficult to imagine high street stores and malls disappearing completely, particularly given the impracticality of buying some items without trying them first (clothes come to mind, given sizing issues). The internet has certainly tried its hardest to force the matter though. A large shop may be able to stock a few hundred or thousand items, but something like Amazon can offer many, many more, all in one place and typically at a cheaper price due to the lack of need for premises and staff. As an impact of this convenience, it has attracted many time-conscious consumers who cannot bear the hassle of having to travel to a number of different locations in search of what they need, threatening the existence of many established retail businesses already suffering as a result of the turbulent economic climate. It€™s not just business-to-consumer trade that has flourished with the advent of the internet, however, as the likes of eBay have provided a medium for consumers to make exchanges with other consumers, allowing people to sell their unwanted goods rather than throwing them away or trying to force them on uninterested acquaintances or punters at a car boot sale. €˜One man€™s junk is another man€™s treasure€™ is an old phrase, but not until now has it really been truly believable.
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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.