10 Ways To Trick Someone Into Falling In Love With You

7. Use The 1-2-3 Technique

Tom Hardy Wink Gif Gif Now here's a good trick and if you can nail it down then you truly are a dating pro; however it isn't easy as it requires a lot of self-control. Speed One: You need to lavish your date with attention on the actual day you see each other Speed Two: Days before and after your date, remain attentive but not too intense (call just once a day and keep it at a sweet 30 minutes) Speed Three: If you haven't seen your date in four days or more then completely chill it out and become distracted in other activities If you stick to these speeds and really fine-tune in this technique then you will subconsciously make your date feel that you are more attentive, affectionate and aware of them around the days you see each other. Which will have them in such a hurry to organise a whole bunch of other dates with you just to get the attention that they crave. Clever right?

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