10 Ways You've Been Accidentally Insulting People Every Day

6. I Got Your Nose

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Jesse Cervantes

If you have young children or have ever spent any time with them, you're probably aware of the game "I got your nose." It might seem cute to see those little eyes grow wide in horror at their nose in your hand, but the resulting gesture might be an insult, depending on where you are.

It would be advisable to avoid playing this fun little game with the kiddies if you happen to be visiting Turkey, Korea, Central America, Italy, or any Mediterranean regions. One thing could lead to another and voila! you're flashing a symbolic female body part at a stranger. Or maybe surrounding spectators will think you are flashing it at your children, which seems even worse somehow.

Depending on where you are, it might also be the American equivalent to flipping someone off, and you don't want to be that person that flips off their kids.

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Hello everyone! I recently got a job at a bookstore (which I absolutely love!) but it just is not enough hours. So I've been working really hard on pitching articles online, and I am hoping that I will eventually start getting things published in the very near future. Reading and writing is my passion, so much so that I have been taking classes online half-time for almost 5 years now to get a bachelors in English/creative writing. I am determined to fulfill my dream as a writer, and I will never give up!