10 Weird Conspiracy Theories About Hitler's Death
1. Hitler Faked His Own Death And Was Abducted By Aliens

Just when you thought it couldn't get weirder, there's a bonafide theory out there which purports that Hitler didn't die but was abducted by some aliens that he painted once.
According to William H. Carpenter, Head of the Carpenter Foundation for Extraterrestrial Research and the Arts (which is a thing), Hitler was a firm believer in alien life and even snuck a few UFOs into his 1913 painting "Madonna and Child."
Carpenter also said: "Hitler's rise to power and the Nazis' stunning successes in conquering Europe can be explained in only one way. He had help."
Help from alien creatures, that is! This theory links to several others that claim Hitler, a friend of the aliens, in fact faked his own death using a body double and was subsequently beamed up to a large ship in outer space before the Russians marched on Berlin. Just take a moment to process all that information for a second.
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