10 Weirdest Celebrity Conspiracy Theories You Won't Believe

6. Richard Gere Had A Gerbil Removed From His Rectum

Heath Ledger As Joker
Samuel Goldwyn Films

Everyone knows that Hollywood actors are insane, sex-crazed monsters, so it wouldn't be that unreasonable to think that an A-lister had stuck a gerbil in his no-no place at one time or another. And that's exactly what did happen... According to those who believe this conspiracy and have been spreading it around the world since long before the internet existed. So if it survived just by word of mouth after all these years it must be true, right?

As the story goes, actor Richard Gere was rushed to the hospital one night after getting a gerbil stuck in his anus. It was there that he got X-rays and had doctors forcibly remove the gerbil from his rectum, because even though he was the one who put it in he apparently didn't want it to stay scurrying around up there.

From then on the conspiracy spread to the point where everyone in Hollywood claimed to know someone who had copies of the X-ray, and as a result Gere stopped giving interviews for a long time.

It was only a few years ago that Gere returned to the press and mentioned the conspiracy, saying that “Lots of crazy things came up about me at first, especially from the tabloids. There is an infamous ‘Gere stuck a hamster up his bum’ urban myth.”

Wait a second... Now it's a hamster? Something doesn't add up here. Get your story straight, Gere!

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Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.