10 Weirdest Cold War Stories You Probably Haven't Heard

5. Soviet Flying Saucers?

men who stare at goats george clooney
Wikipedia/Drew Peacock

This one is all kinds of crazy. Now, everyone knows the story of the alleged UFO incident at Roswell and you probably know some of the many conspiracy theories regarding it. But this one is so far out of left field you would need to be outside the ground to catch it! This story actually begins with an alleged Nazi research project towards the end of the Second World War.

At a hidden location in Germany, a base known as ‘Der Reise’ was conducting secret research. Most historians believe they were working on an atomic weapons program, but there are some that believe they were working on Nazi flying saucers (sounds like something out of Iron Sky, right?). Unfortunately, no evidence exists to confirm what they were doing there. At the end of the war, the base was discovered by the Russians meaning any admittedly unlikely research into flying saucers would fall into Soviet hands.

So, did they recover a flying saucer or some new Russian secret weapon? Or was it actually a weather balloon? Whether or not the truth will ever come out, only time will tell.

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Middle aged (Not that you'd know it!) northern redneck. Days spent in the woods, drinking beer and chilling with the guys. Seriously passionate about wrestling, movies and good tunes.