10 Well Known Facts You Thought Were True (That Actually Aren't)
Everything you know is wrong. Well, ten things.
Conventional wisdom is a funny thing a collection of odd ideas, outmoded scientific notions, old wives tales and superstitions that, together, form an entirely inaccurate view of the world we live in. Just because everyone believes them, and reinforces those ideas in interactions with one another, though that doesnt actually make them true. Consensus reality isnt real. You might have seen a few articles like this flying around the interwebs over the years, full of practical muggings of received wisdom. Here, were aiming to provide something a little more practical about the world we live in. Its true, for example, that the USA has only forty-six states and not fifty. Virginia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Kentucky are all nominally commonwealths: however, as legally and practically thats a distinction without a difference, its pretty much only good as an icebreaker at parties. Similarly, you can absolutely go swimming straight after eating without cramping up and drowning: its just that, like any vigorous exercise, you really wouldnt want to try it with a belly full of food, its tremendously uncomfortable. Try having sex after Christmas dinner, and youll see what we mean. And just so you know, the only human beings who use 10% of their brain are probably the people that think that human beings only use 10% of their brain