10 Well Known Facts You Thought Were True (That Actually Aren't)
8. The Earth Orbits The Sun
Our suns own massive gravity keeps the planets of the solar system orbiting it. Everyone knows that, right? Well, everyone is not entirely correct on that one, unfortunately. The earth actually orbits the barycentre of the solar system, as does the sun itself. The only difference is that this barycentric coordinate the place where the mass of the sun and the mass of the earth balance each other is actually inside the sun itself, although it changes all the time. Why? Because other celestial objects planets, other stars, galaxies, almost everything out there with their own gravitational pull affect our orbit (as well as the suns own orbit) rendering it an elliptical, constantly changing ovoid, not a perfect spherical shape. Not only that: the earth orbits where the barycentre was around eight minutes ago, because gravity works at roughly the speed of light. What does that actually mean for us? Well, have a look at the above image. Thats roughly what the earths orbit looks like. We orbit the sun in pretty much the same way that an excitable, yappy little dog on a leash orbits its harried owner.
Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.