10 Wonderful Things You Didn't Know You Could Do On Spotify

6. Listen To Classic Literature

Not only can you delight your ears with over 20 millions songs (and counting); Spotify is also host to a great selection of classic audiobooks. Everything from Alice's Adventures In Wonderland to The Great Gatsby is available to listen to, as well as legendary authors such as H.P. Lovecraft and Bram Stoker. One totally awesome find we made was a group named "The Tolkien Ensemble": not an audiobook as of such, but super-fans of The Lord Of The Rings will love hearing Christopher Lee reciting poems from Tolkien's mythopoetic work, "The Silmarillion", alongside beautiful musical interpretations of the stories. Alongside the brilliant literature are, tragically, readings of "Fifty Shades Of Grey", and a collection of, erm, "erotic" stories titled "Smut In The City". Guess they have to cater for everyone.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell