11 FML Questions That Ruin Your Life Every Day

"Why does my dad not know how to knock? Of course he caught me stuffing my bra, FML!"

There are certain moments in your life where you realise that you have no idea what you're doing, and it's clear that you're not the only one. If you're lucky, you'll just look like you have it together more than others. If not, then good luck. But as much as it's sort of taboo to admit that you talk to yourself, you do it anyway and you use it as though you're giving yourself an internal commentary of your life. The voice in your head is your voice of reason, and it's also the one that asks of of those FML questions every day, because if you say them out loud, people will probably think that's you're either really rude or a little bit mental. It's not as though you can ask Dave why he's such a douchebag to his face is it? So that voice inside your head does it for you, "FML Dave, why are you such a DOUCHEBAG??"

11. Why Do I Always Get Sat Next To The Person With BO?

Regardless of the mode of transport that you frequent for your commute, there is always one person who doesn't understand personal hygiene, and they always end up sitting next to you. Can these people not smell themselves? Have they ever heard of deodorant? "There are free seats everywhere, why have you chosen to sit next to me and offend my nostrils?" You're pretty sure that even after a vigorous work out in the gym, you don't smell that bad and you've been sweating since the warm up...
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com