11 Genius Kickstarter Projects That You Should Get Behind

4. LOONCUP - The Smart Moon Cup

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/700989404/looncup-the-worlds-first-smart-menstrual-cup?ref=category Menstruation is one of the most natural things in the world, but that doesn't mean that we can't bring it kicking a screaming into the 21st century. Apart from anything else, your period is a really good indicator of your health and is one of the first things to go haywire if something is wrong - whether that's stress, diet or something more serious. The LOONCUP is a smart menstrual cup that can analyse and track everything about your cycle, allowing you ultimate control and insight into the workings of your body. It uses bluetooth to pair with your smartphone, transmitting data to an app and keeping you on top of things. It will let you know when you need to change it, track your cycle and figure out when you're due and even analyse the colour and health of your period to pick up any early warning signs for health problems. Not only are menstrual cups better for your hooha in general, seeing as they don't contain any bleach or abrasive fibres, but knowledge is power and a "smart" cup can only be a good think. Check out the Kickstarter page here.
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