11 Hilariously Stupid Social Media Fails You Won't Believe

1. Casual Racism - Home Depot

Home Depot 2 There's one quick way to outrage pretty much everyone who sees your Tweets, as well as inviting criminal prosecution against you: racism. The Home Depot's College Game Day campaign may not have been intended to shock or offend, but the spectacular lack of awareness in the combination of the picture above and the "spot the difference" style Tweet caption qualifies this as easily the biggest social media misstep of recent memory. It didn't last very long, but the response to the offending post was swift and furious, and the company were forced into an immediate response, removing the tweet. But the damage was done, and Twitter users were left amazed that anyone could be stupid enough not to think about how the image could be misconstrued. Naturally, Home Depot sacked the individual and the agency involved, who are no doubt still out there terrorising the social media universe with horribly ill-conceived campaigns. Did we miss any spectacular social media fails that deserve mention here? Share your own picks below in the comments thread.
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