11 Most Pointless Scientific Studies Ever

2. People Would Be Able To Run Across A Pond If It Was On The Moon And They Were Wearing Flippers


It has been observed that some members of the animal kingdom, such as insects and some lizards, have Jesus-like abilities to walk on water.

In 2012, Italian researchers set about trying to find out whether humans would ever do the same.

After analysing the body composition of the Basilisk lizard, one of those smug little water-runners, and comparing it to the anatomy of a human, they concluded that humans were wholly unsuited to the whole endeavour of walking on water.

Not to be perturbed, however, the plucky scientists decided that it wasn't the human body, but gravity that was the problem (and a little bit the human body). After experimenting with various types of flippers and harnesses to simulate different strengths of gravity, they concluded that humans would be able to walk on water on the moon. If they were wearing flippers. And didn't mind dying of exposure to the vacuum of space.

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