11 Most Pointless Scientific Studies Ever

5. It Hurts When A Bee Stings You On The Dick

Justin Schmidt can be credited with inventing the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, in which he rates the relative painfulness of the stings of 78 different insects. He achieved this by letting the blighters sting him and the cooly recording the excruciating pain he was going through. He used the sting of a honeybee as the control sting to compare the others against.

Not to be outdone, however, Michael L. Smith thought that Schmidt's research left something to be desired as it didn't take into account the location of the sting, and promptly set about placing honeybees all over his body.

Smith concluded in his write up of Honey Bee Sting Pain Index by Body Location, that being stung on the shaft of the penis hurts like the Dickens. Mind blown.

The top three most painful places to be stung by a honeybee, according to Smith, in the penis, the upper lip and the inner nostril, but the nipple and scrotum also ranked pretty highly.

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