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11 Reasons Why Sleep is Just the Best

1. Pillows!

No good sleeping spot is complete without a decent pillow. Whether it€™s made from feathers, down, memory foam or environmentally friendly latex; pillows work wonders with helping you sleep. Everyone has their preference on how many and what kind of pillow is the best. Some people will go for a single soft pillow so their head€™s closer to the bed, whilst a brave few will triple stack firm pillows so they might as well be sleeping upright in a chair. But sleeping habits aside, it€™s fair to say that if pillows didn€™t exist, getting to sleep would be a lot tougher.
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One of the UK's favourite suppliers of beds, mattresses and bedding, Mattressman has been leading the bedding industry into new ventures for over 10 years, since it first pioneered selling mattresses online in 2004.