11 Things Guaranteed To Happen In The Week Before Your Period

11. You're Constantly Hungry

You've woken up, showered, eaten a bowl of porridge for breakfast and made it to work for 9am as usual. You've said hi to your colleagues, you've turned your computer on, you've made your first cup of tea and written a to-do list for the day - and suddenly you realise you're ravenous. Like, seriously so hungry. You look at the clock: it's only 9.27am. Oh good lord, lunch time is so so so far away. You check what you've brought for lunch. A sandwich, a yogurt and a granola bar. Hello granola bar, it's certainly not too early for you. Gobble gobble. It's 9.30am now, which surely means it's an ok-ish time to eat a yogurt. Gobble gobble. You're still not satisfied. You pick at the corner of your sandwich and eat a tiny bit just to ease your hungry tummy. Gobble gobble. Uh oh. You just ate the whole sandwich by accident. It's 9.45am and you've got to go three more hours until you can go out and buy yourself a McDonalds plus an extra cheeseburger. And a whole bunch of snacks to get you through the afternoon. You start to watch the clock...
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).