11 Things That Happen When You Fall In Love At Work

11. A Certain Someone Catches Your Eye

Doctor Who Wave Hello Hi Gif Gif You€™ve been in your cool East London office job for a while now, and on this fine Monday morning a new guy has started. You can€™t help but notice that he€™s really attractive. And he€™s got a great smile. And he€™s been sat at the desk on the other side of the room and you can€™t help but stare at the back of his head all morning. He€™s got a fine head of hair on him. And he wears his shirt really well. You€™ve been single for a while now; is it really so bad that you want to get to know him a little better?
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The Office
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).