11 Vaccine Myths That Just Refuse To Die: Debunked

2. Myth: The "Big Pharma" Conspiracy

The plausibility of the “Big Pharma using vaccines to make people sick for profit” conspiracy is only plausible in countries with broken-beyond-repair healthcare systems. In a country like the United States, it’s somewhat easy to understand why Americans would think their healthcare system is out to get them. It’s a broken system that favours the rich and damns the poor.

In countries like Canada, the UK and Australia, places with socialised healthcare, the conspiracy doesn’t add up. In my home country of Australia our healthcare system to paid by taxpayer money. This means that if I need medication, I get it heavily subsidised and pay no more than $20, I don't pay to see a doctor and if I need to go to the hospital, I don’t pay for anything at all.

According to the “Big Pharma” conspiracy, the Australian government uses the taxes I pay to provide medication when I have an illness. That medication which will make me sicker, in order to put me in hospital, so I can be treated with more medication. The medication and hospital stay will also be paid for by the government using taxpayer’s money. This somehow equals “Big Pharma” getting money, which they will spend billions researching and developing more medication that will be used to make more people sick - all to be paid for by taxes.

Even if you were to take into account the broken American healthcare system, when you look at the effort it would take to enact a worldwide conspiracy where three or four pharmaceutical companies are spending money to bribe the world’s government, government staff, lawyers, doctors, nurses, pro-vaccine advocates, scientist, science students, academics, researchers, the list goes on.

Research conducted by Dr. David Robert Grimes suggests that large-scale conspiracies would be prone to completely unravelling within three or so years – unless you believed him to be paid off too.

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Science. Coffee. Metalhead. Woman-shaped Nerd. Must love cats. Sometimes Sober. High-five me at: www.facebook.com/InsufferableIntolerance