12 British Stereotypes Americans Believe (That Are Totally True)

4. We Are Bad At Foreign Languages

Yeah, so, apparently there's a rumour going around that British people aren't very good at learning foreign languages like all the other folk living in countries scattered across the rest of the world? Well, okay, whilst it's true that we're not the only country in the world in which the people seem uninterested in learning languages that aren't our own, we are definitely one of them. You only have to meet somebody who isn't British to realise that you're a bit of an embarrassment; venture into Europe and it seems like everyone has bothered to learn at least one other language. Go further, into Asia or Africa, and the locals are likely to be similarly impressive. So why don't we bother to learn to speak other languages? Because just like you, America, everyone already speaks English. What's the bloody point? (read as: British sarcasm?)

3. We Have Terrible Food

Okay, okay, so there are probably lots of people out there who will disagree with this one, but let's face it: in the grande scheme of things, British food is a bit rubbish. Because, c'mon, our most famous dishes all sound terrible... and they aren't exactly Michelin star in their make-up, either. Cod and chips? What the hell is that supposed to be, really? It's just a bit of battered fish with some fried potatoes. A fry up? Delicious, sure, but who put all those ingredients on a plate together and declared it normal? Not exactly a cultural touchstone, hm? It's said that the French inparticular look down on British cuisine, because it's all pies and mush and things cooked in other things, most of which lack a certain kind of artistry. Sure, there are probably other countries with a comparable quality of food, but - generally speaking - Americans are onto something when they make fun of our food product. Even if their own country's food happens to be even worse (controversial?).

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.