12 Crazy Reasons Why Your Ancestors Were Accused Of Witchcraft

7. You Produced Quality Livestock

If you did anything better than your neighbour, then they would probably accuse you of being a witch. Everyone could accuse anyone they wanted and if you were good at something then they would use this against you. Accusations were mainly made by women who were jealous of other women because they had a better domesticated life than they did, and one of the biggest judgements all came down to who could produce better livestock. if someone's animals were healthier or their grass was greener, then they must be a witch because that is the only rational explanation as to why someone could be better at farming and living off the land than you. So not only did you want to produce your family with the best food that you could, you couldn't give them too much otherwise someone will have you burned at the stake.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com