12 Funniest Times Famous Artists Fell Off Stage

6. Steven Tyler

Another fantastic addition the 'Drunk Dudes At Weddings' book, we have Tyler attempting some of his trademark dance moves (from a good 50 years ago at this point). However the major difference is this is most certainly not a wedding, and when attempting to take every inch of the spotlight for yourself, you'd better deliver the goods, not stagger about like you've been on the sauce again.

5. Dizzy Rascal

When you think about it the whole 'flail-your-arms-like-a-maniac' technique has never, ever worked. We seem to instinctually deploy it in the hope of something, anything making contact and saving us from that inevitable downward plunge. Not in this case though, as Dizzy lives up to his name and effectively swan-dives into the front row out of nowhere.

4. Andy Biersack

The only injury on this list, but one that Mr Biersack is fully recovered from now. Playing an indoor gig in California, the gothic prancing-tosspot himself thought he could clamber up some of the nearby scenery, before deftly leaping back to the stage like some sort of panda-eyed gazelle. Instead he vastly undershot the distance, and ended up cracking three ribs instead. Props to him for continuing with the gig though, Kings of Leon gave up when a load of pigeons shat on them, never mind a physical injury.
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