12 Problems Only Haruki Murakami Fans Will Understand

11. Not Liking Whiskey (But Trying To Drink It Anyway)

It's a freezing Monday evening and you've just come home from an utterly monotonous day at work to your single bedroom apartment.

You don't have a spouse or a significant other and the phone is dead on its hook, but you aren't lonely €“ you don't know how you feel, really. Sometimes you're content, and sometimes you don't feel much at all. Time to pour a whiskey and climb into bed. Ah, what a life that would be...if only you actually liked whiskey. Still, you keep a bottle on the alcohol shelf and occasionally try and drink it when the mood strikes, just like so many Murakami characters before you. And for those Murakami fans who do like whiskey, consider yourselves lucky - the nights ahead don't look so cold.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.