12 Problems Only John Green Fans Will Understand

2. Wanting The Adventure (Even If It Comes With The Heartbreak)

It makes little sense to want to experience brief pleasure in exchange for immense, overwhelming pain - but John Green fans know what it's like to read his novels and wish for just a fraction of that excitement in their own lives.

The romances in Green's novels are not known for their particularly idyllic endings; nevertheless they are passionate, exciting and endlessly more interesting than browsing Facebook all day. Whether it's a romantic intrusion into SeaWorld (a scene that, interestingly, has been altered in the upcoming film adaptation owing to a post-Blackfish world) or an unexpected night-time journey of vengeance, many fans would happily take the great beginning even if it came with the terrible ending.
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.