12 Signs That Netflix Has Taken Over Your Life

You care more about fictional people than your family.

Whoever invented Netflix was both a genius and a person who wanted to watch the world burn. As if you didn't have enough technological distractions in your life, someone tempted you with Netflix. And you needed it. It has now taken over your life and you can't remember a time when you actually went outside and socialised. But what's worse is that you no longer want to go outside and play with your friends. You'd rather sit inside by yourself with a glass of wine and watch shows that you've never even heard of because no matter how bad they are, you feel like you need them in your life. And now you're invested. watching a TV show is like reading a book, once you've started, you need to know how it ends. Not because you're interested in the characters or the plot, but because your ego needs to know the ending, otherwise it's a complete waste of your precious time and sanity. Netflix is like your significant other because you could watch it forever, you're never bored, you're patient when you need to be (when it's buffering) and it's the best thing in your life. Your biggest regret about splitting up with your ex is that the account was in their name and they've changed the password so that you can't use it. Whilst Netflix is truly one of mankind's best creations, it's sort of taking over your life, and you're okay with that.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com