12 Signs That Netflix Has Taken Over Your Life

10. You Cancel Plans To Spend Time Together

Whenever someone asks you to do something you look at them with an expression that reads 'are you insane? Do you not have any idea how busy I am?' This will not translate to them because they don't have a Netflix account, so they just think that you go home and do nothing when you finish work. They have no idea of the adventures that you get up to. So no, you don't want to go out for drinks because you want to see how many demons the Halliwell sisters can vanquish in on episode of Charmed. You're also ecstatic when people cancel plans on you so you don't feel guilty for wanting to cancel on them. You can now stay home and watch movies that you've convinced yourself that you need to see.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com