12 Sneakiest Ways Your Kids Are Outsmarting You

2. They'll knock on the floor and move around in bed to convince you they're up in the mornings

Chances are all you parents did this too with your older loved ones, as not a single person on the planet actively sprang out of bed at the ungodly hour of 7am just to trudge into school. No, instead the strategy that has proven effective time and time again, is simply to extend an arm and bang your fist on the floor as if you're already up and walking around the room. We don't know how parents fell for this, thinking their children were essentially doing some sort of elephantine tap-dance, but it did buy you an extra few moments in your cocoon of bedsheets and contorted limb-positions. Albeit these moments that were spent in a state so far from sleep you might as well have gotten up anyway, but as we all know 'those extra few minutes' through the above method or that of the blessing/curse of a snooze button, are some of the most precious and sought-after in all our lives. As parents you'll just have to run in and throw the curtains open, provoking a reaction not unlike that of a vampire first seeing 'the light!', although it's guaranteed to get them up and moving.
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Home Alone
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