12 Things Everyone "Knows" That Aren't True
I came here to drink milk and bust myths, and I'm all outta milk.
There are some things that everybody just "knows": The sky is blue, water is wet, Bono is a tw*t, etc etc etc. However, there are some truths, universally acknowledged, that actually aren't all that true nor universal. You can probably blame your school days for most of these misconceptions, as most teachers have better things to do than accurately answer children's questions, but TV, the media and that bloke at the pub who reckons that dogs can't look up, all have to take their fair share of responsibility too. It's sometimes unclear where the misunderstandings come from, but it just goes to show that a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. On the plus side, once you know the truth about a few common misconceptions, you'll probably be able to drop them smugly into conversation with almost alarming regularity and, as we all know, everybody loves a smart*rse. Anyway, let's bust some myths.