12 Things People Who Have Experienced The Friend Zone Will Understand

2. The Battle You Face Of Whether You Should Tell Them How You Feel

Friend Zoned: So the two of you get on really well but you're not exactly getting romantic vibes from the other person, so what do you do? Do you risk telling them and potentially ruining your current friendship without any hint that they might feel the same way, or should you just leave it? Friend Zoner: So they haven't directly told them that they like you but you're pretty certain that they do. Do you nip it in the bud early and emphasise more shoulder punches and calling them 'buddy?' It's probably best to just be honest and then you both know where you stand; and when you do know, you can either get a 'we're going to be best friends cheeseburger' or a hotel room.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com