The Castor Oil Plant can be found in gardens all over the world, which is worrying as it is the current proud holder of the Guinness World Records' title for World's most Poisonous Plant. The danger comes in the form of a chemical called Ricin, found in the seeds of the castor plant. The lethal does is considered to be as little as four of the bean-sized seeds. Contact with ricin can produce some pretty nasty symptoms including, but not limited to, nausea, breathing difficulties, pulmonary edema, blue skin, vomiting, bloody diarrhoea, organ failure, low blood pressure and eventually, death. Not fun. There is no known antidote to ricin poisoning, the best you can hope for is to try and keep somebody alive through medical intervention long enough for the toxin to be cycled out of their system. Fun Fact: Since being used as a plot device in Breaking Bad, it has seen a boom in popularity in the more mentally unbalanced amongst us. A 19-year-old student was found guilty of manufacturing ricin in his dorm room with intent to use it on one of his mates.