13 Incredible Creations For Bacon Lovers

4. Bacon Ice Cream

Were more accessible, bacon ice cream would have won this, and indeed every, list. Sometimes opposites go incredibly well together, and this is a triumphant case in point. The idea first appeared on legendary British comedy show "The Two Ronnies," before, in 1992, Aldrich's Beef and Ice Cream Parlor in NYC released bacon and egg ice cream as a joke on April Fools Day, and incredibly people enjoyed it. Since then, personalized recipes have appeared all over the internet and received mixed reviews, but if you're a true bacon lover, this is for you. (And of course, here's a recipe, for those of you who are already looking for how to make your own.)

3. Bacon Lip Balm

Another extremely functional piece of bacon paraphernalia is bacon lip balm. Like the bacon toothpaste that was mentioned earlier, this tiny tube completes the morning bacon ritual. Begin with bacon, move on to bacon coffee, finish up with bacon toothpaste, and spend the rest of the day with this ingenious quick bacon fix in your pocket. Available from Archie McPhee and company, bacon lip balm is an everyday item made extraordinary, and it will also let you impress your friends when someone asks to borrow your lip balm. And just imagine the kisses!
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Colleen is an aspiring scriptwriter with a knack for puns and trouble avoiding speeding tickets. She enjoys NBC and BBC, along with the rest of the alphabet. She spends her days working on The Morning After for Hulu.com.