13 Places Every Lord Of The Rings Fan Must Visit
One does not simply walk into Mordor... or do they?

Tolkien created worlds that exist only in our minds. Father to the Hobbits, creator of Middle Earth and inventor of the One Ring: the books, places and languages he put to paper are now widely understood, and, thanks to Peter Jackson, not just in our minds anymore. Fans of both The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings franchises will be positively jubilant to hear holidays are available to The Shire, and, contrary to Boromir's famed statement; one DOES simply walk into Mordor. Yes, youre awake.
Fictional lands created by Tolkien were brought from our imagination to the big screen when Peter Jackson took on the epic task of filming Lord Of The Rings. Now, its undeniably difficult to imagine Tolkiens world without Jacksons depiction influencing it. Location-wise, it's almost like Tolkien had the chosen spots in mind when he described them; which of course, he didn't, because they're half a world away from the home where he wrote the books in Oxford, England. In fact, the very location Jackson chose was New Zealand: lush green lands, snow-capped mountains and serene lakes... all of which you can visit.
If you can't afford the jet-setting, simply join us in this virtual trek through Middle Earth; there and back again. We're going on an adventure!
13. Mackenzie Country (Gondor)