13 Places We Might Go When We Die

5. Lucky Dip

treasure planet1 Anything could happen - this would be the Russian Roulette of Death, where it didn't matter what you did, who you were, or what happened. When you die, your soul gets placed in a big catapulty type thing and you're launched into space. You could land anywhere, in space and time - a kind of warped Tardis gone mad kind of thing - you could could land on another planet, in another dimension, in an alternate reality, in the void - with Daleks and Cybermen - waiting for a chance to escape. If you're lucky, maybe in the Tardis and become the next companion of Doctor Who, or part of the next diabolical plan of the Master, or an alien on a fun planet in a galaxy far away in space and time. This would be a choice for the pure adrenaline seekers. Fate and dumb luck would indeed rule your destiny.

Raised in Scotland, now living in Los Angeles - galaxies apart! I love traveling, writing, photography, and meeting new people; my curiosity and imagination are boundless. In training for Honolulu Marathon as a reaction to the Boston bombings. To receive notice of my new articles, become a fan at https://www.facebook.com/FABULOUSYVONNEMCLEOD or, check out my website: YVONNEMCLEOD.COM Thank you.... My motto:Go For it...you've nothing to lose but regret!