13 Things People Who Work In Customer Service Know To Be True
4. When Your Manager Makes You Look Incompetent In Front Of The Customer
The customer is refusing to take no for an answer and it doesn't matter how many times you explain that you literally have no power (or the codes) to be able to process what it is they want, they'll always demand to speak to your manager. You'd like to think that your manager will have your back, so you politely inform them that they're going to say exactly the same thing. Except your boss hates confrontation and just does what they want, making you look like a complete idiot in front of the customer and you have to sit there and watch their smug face look at you like you're stupid and you don't know how to do your job. But if you had just done what they'd asked for in the first place, your manager would have been questioning why you had done that and oh look, a disciplinary for you.