14 Celebrities That Need To Disappear Forever

11. Meghan Trainor

Whilst Meghan probably thinks that she's trying to empower women, she's also tearing them down whether she's aware of it or not. Not only are her songs being slammed for being a bit rubbish, but her lyrics are also a big part of the problem. You can see from her message in All That Bass that she's trying to promote a healthy body image but at the same time, she's tearing down girls who are naturally petite. She then totally contradicts herself in Dear Future Husband and you find yourself back in the 1950s buying groceries and demanding all of your husband's time to be spent with you, when all he wants is his dinner on the table and to go out with his friends. Whether her message is a parody or not, marriage should be seen as an equal partnership. If one of you cooks, the other does the washing up. Likewise if we have to do the listening to her songs, she should do the going away.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com