The 14 Most Hilarious Things That Happened In 2014

10. Seth Rogen And James Franco Almost Start A War With North Korea

2014 is definitely a year for the history books, as the massively scrutinised movie "The Interview" was declared an "act of war". Why? The Sony Pictures movie is about two journalists recruited by the CIA to assassinate North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. Needless to say, the supreme leader does not find the movie amusing at all, and his spokesperson publicly criticised the movie, which features the line:
"Kim Jong-un's people believe anything he tells them. Including that he can speak to dolphins or he doesn't urinate and defecate."
Of course, the repercussions of this could have been deadly serious, but that doesn't take away the hilarity of the fact Rogen and Franco totally p***ed off Kim Jong Un.
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