14 Important Life Lessons You Only Learn By Accident

1. Time Goes By Faster As You Age

We take time for granted, at least somewhat, no matter what age we are. But we are most guilty of this the younger we are because time will continue to feel fleeting with every year. As children, teens, and even young adults, we assume that life will give us a chance to take things slowly, and enjoy it for what it is. A journey that will end in frequent mistakes, lost loves, and some brief periods of joy. Of course, we're only partly right. Those things will still happen, but it certainly won't go by slowly. Unfortunately, we don't really believe or comprehend this lesson until it is too late. As children, we heard from our mentors that this was the case, but few of us were able to wrap our heads around how precious that time was. Still, the other lesson here is that life is still worth living, no matter how brief it may be.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com