14 Most Haunted Objects From Around The World

13. 'The Crying Boy' Painting

Bruno Amadio's painting 'The Crying Boy' is something that no firefighter will dare have in their house. It was a popular painting during the 1950-80s and it became well known after that, not for the image of the boy, but because it seemed to burn down every house it resided in. One firefighter said that it was the only painting ever left unscathed by fire and at one point, the BBC were telling people to send in their prints so that they could create a mass burning to end all house fires. Is the painting haunted or is it because they are covered with fire repellent varnish? Probably the latter. Also, why was this painting so popular? There's surely better things to hang over your mantelpiece that a picture of a boy...crying... in pain and with a look of such utter despair that should make your ovaries ache.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com