14 Problems Only Comedians Will Understand

7. There's No Timetable On 'Making It'

Seniority is not a thing in comedy. So often you can plug away at the same level of your career for years, watching talented younger comics find themselves in the right place at the right time before surpassing you.

And that's you something you roll with, because maybe next time it'll be you. And there's absolutely no set way to 'make it'. Most agree that Edinburgh is the best way to get spotted, some don't.

Within three years of performing, The League of Gentleman were on the radio, within five they had their own show on BBC television. The absolute bastards.

Most take much longer, and there's absolutely no guarantee of ever making it at all, although this year could be the year... couldn't it?

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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.