14 Problems Only Runners Will Understand

4. Skipping Past Pandas

Panda Running There you are. On the starting line for, say, The Great North Run. €˜Eye of the Tiger€™ is instilled in your bones and you will assume the starting klaxon has gone because thousands of people are pressing buttons on their watches and...OFF YOU GO!!! Only, you don€™t. You see, when you submitted your entry months ago, you were quite honest when you said you could finish the race in, say, 1h50m. Unfortunately, most other people weren€™t quite so honest and all those pandas and gorillas and pantomime horses, they have no intention of finishing in this time, they just wanted to be nearer the front! So you spend the first three miles skipping past the cast of Darren Aronofsky€™s €˜Noah€™ or, even worse, people who just stop in front of you like Romero€™s zombies! That PB you were after? Not a chance after that maze of running you€™ve just undertaken. In fact, you spend so much time darting around other people that you€™ve probably run an extra mile just getting round them. €˜Anyway, good on them. It€™s all for charity. Just get out of my way panda-boy.€™
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Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com