14 Reasons Taxi Drivers Hate You

12. You Don't Know Where You're Going

Scrooged Taxi Driver It's true that taxi drivers are supposed to know how to get to anywhere in the city but you do actually need to be able to name the place you're heading for. At the very least you have to be able to offer an accurate description of the area. Students in particular take note: if you can€™t remember the name of the bar or the road it's on then the taxi can€™t take you there. Hints such as 'You know the one, it's on that corner' or 'It's by a bank' will not help locate your watering hole. Driving about until you spot the partially hidden dive you're looking for is an option, but you'll only complain about the fare. And a quick tip for those people who seem to think that 'road' and 'street' are interchangeable when you're giving an address - they're not.
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Steph Johnson is a freelance writer living in the north, follow her on Twitter @Johnson77Steph