14 Reasons Taxi Drivers Hate You

8. You Begrudge Bank Holiday Charges

Taxi Price You have never climbed into a taxi on a bank holiday and not been charged the higher rate. Not once. So why when you look at the meter do you act like it's been possessed? The rationale behind the putting the price up for Bank Holidays is simple enough but seeing as you seem to be struggling we can go through it again. You're off enjoying yourself on paid leave but the cabbies are still working. So, unless you want to walk to wherever it is you're going then you will need to make the trip worth their while. Don't bother arguing that the holiday fee should be an optional extra, that's called a tip. You could try arguing that not everyone gets a day off or clock-and-a-half on Bank Holidays. But only if you want to watch the driver's selective deafness kick-in.
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Steph Johnson is a freelance writer living in the north, follow her on Twitter @Johnson77Steph