14 Reasons Your 20s Are Just Like The Lord Of The Rings

5. There's A Time And A Place To Be Curious

And it's not when Gandalf is holding a crazy colourful orb and the world as you know it is on a knife's edge of change and you fancy just being a bit mischievous. Like Pippin, sometimes childish urges take over you in your twenties - you're still not that far out of your teen years, and god knows you made some silly decisions then. But the problem is, when you're 18 and throwing up in a nightclub because you attempted to drink too much to keep up with your friends, you can blame that on your age. You'd just reached the legal drinking age; obviously you were going to test your limits. In your twenties though, you just don't have that excuse. What do you mean you tried a cigarette for the first time at 24 and got addicted? Your common sense should have told you there is no way that was a good idea. You have to exercise your twenty-something curiosity with caution, because you've got this thing called responsibility - and while it might not be the same as trying to help rid an entire world of evil, stupid decisions will still play a part in the balance of positivity and negativity in your daily life.

I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).