14 Problems Only London Cyclists Will Understand

14. The Canals Are A Trojan Horse

When you first start cycling in London, you may be tempted to cycle by the canals. Maybe you're recently returned from a holiday in the south of France and you figure it's much the same. Or maybe you're just keen to avoid the traffic. Whatever the reason, resist this temptation. The paths by the canals are a Hunger Games-esque distraction created by motorists to pit cyclists and pedestrians, two groups of people who should be allies, against each other. We're so busy trying desperately not to knock each other into putrid water that we forget about our common enemy- the (selfish) driver. Hashtag Not All Drivers.
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Brydie is an Australian writer and performer living in London and she complains exactly the same amount about the weather as every other Australian living in London. Yes, that is her natural lip colour, no, she will not be taking any further questions at this time.